You’ll need the XCode command line tools (gcc and such) to build this, so if you don’t already have those installed, go ahead and install XCode from the App Store. Installing the Prerequisites: Homebrew and XCode If you’re fine with 1024x768, it certainly works, but… we can do better with open source! Yes, I know Parallels has a tech preview out, and you still can’t change the resolution of a Linux guest. Plus some patches to the source, and… it’s all good fun, I promise! What I don’t promise is that this will work perfectly for you, though I’ll try! You’ll need XCode installed, and we’ll be using homebrew to install some of the prerequisites for building qemu. The main issues are the scheduling problems, and I'm hoping someone in here has done enough work with Mac programming to have some ideas as to where I could start tweaking things to help keep VMs on the performance cores (short of the TSO hacks, which I'd rather not use).