It doesn’t follow the same cursive trends as some of the others. Pristina is a great choice for handwriting fonts.

It also appears quite large compared to the font size, making it a very comfortable pick for most. Instead, it’s one of the easiest cursive fonts to read. Luckily, Segoe Script doesn’t suffer from this. They will have lines jutting out at awkward angles, making it much harder for people to read when it’s seen on a page. Some cursive fonts fall victim to being overly curly or flicky. Most people enjoy it because it doesn’t come with any unnecessary flicks. It’s great both formally and informally, depending on the context that you need it for.

Segoe Script is a very popular choice when it comes to handwriting fonts. Some look more cursive, while others look more informal or like someone was rushing their writing. There are so many options, each one offering something different from the last. The best handwriting fonts in Microsoft Word include Segoe Script, Pristina, and French Script MT. This article will look into the best handwriting fonts that will allow you to come close to how you might write on paper. If you’re looking to theme or present your writing in certain ways, you’ll want to find the best fonts. There are fonts for just about everything.